How to setup your first testimonial form

Setting up your testimonial form is the first step to collecting video testimonials.


When you sign up for Simple Testimonial, we'll guide you through setting up your first testimonial form:


After you've signed up, you can easily:

  1. Modify a feedback form
  2. Create a new feedback form
  3. Duplicate an existing feedback form
  4. Delete a feedback form


Creating a Testimonial Form

Step-by-step Walkthrough



Step #1. Click "Feedback Forms"ย from the left-hand side navigation.


Step #2. Click the "Create New" button on the top-right corner


Step #3. Give your Feedback Form a name


Step #4. Click the "Design"ย tab and you can now design your form

  • Logo: Define the company logo you want to show on your feedback form
  • Background color
  • Primary button color
  • Primary button text color
  • Secondary button text color


Step #5. Click the "Welcome" tab where you can now design the text that's shown as soon as your customer opens up your feedback form for the first time

  • Welcome Page Title
  • Introductory Message


Step #6. Click the "Questions Page" tab to define the prompt and questions you'd like to ask your customers

  • Prompt: Here you can define the prompt and questions you'd like to ask your customer to give them guidance when they're leaving their testimonial


Step #7.ย Click "Thank You Page" where you can finally define the text you'd like to display after a user submits their testimonial

  • Title
  • Message


Step #8. Once you're finished defining your form, click "Create" and your form will now be created


You'll now be presented with the final Feedback Form link, which you can share with your customers to start collecting testimonials.

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